Our Impact
Who Has Honey Badges Supported?
At the heart of everything we do is social impact. These are the individuals and organisations we have supported to date. Web3 can make some of the most meaningful strides in philanthropy and, through peer-2-peer funding, support individuals often excluded from grants and traditional scholarship processes. Honey Badges is here to change the game!
Impact Reports
March - June 2022
This incredible document breaks down the accomplishments of the Honey Badges DAO from March - June 2022 and provides updates on all our incredible change-makers and their projects.
July - Sept 2022
This wonderful document details the accomplishments of the Honey Badges DAO from July - Sept 2022 and provides updates on all our incredible change-makers and their projects.
Musa Sheriff | Educate West Point
Musa Sheriff is the CEO of Liberian non profit, Educate West Point (EWP). EWP is located in Liberia's largest slum, West Point, and has a vision to ensure that every child of West Point receives the education they deserve, to meet the future they imagine for themselves.
Funded by a Honey Badges grant, Educate West Point’s Computer Literacy Impact Project is designed for vulnerable children learning in school but lacking computer literacy. Majority of vulnerable children do not have access to basic computer training skills and knowledge. When they finish high school or their secondary education, they remain unemployable because they lack the fundamentals of how to use a computer.
Musa’s computer literacy program provides kids with access to eight computers in a secure and safe location, where teachers and mentors will instill in the kids of West Point confidence, independence and the ability to enhance their lives by becoming capable and employable members of the community.
Katie Hulquist | OutRight International
OutRight International has worked alongside LGBTIQ activists to combat the systemic violence, persecution and discrimination of queer people. OutRight is the only global LGBTIQ organization with consultative status and a permanent presence at the United Nations Headquarters.
Honey Badges has helped fund the set up of LBQ Connect, which is OutRight's new global feminist program aiming at boosting the work and visibility of lesbian, bisexual, and queer activism around the world. LBQ Connect enhances the capacity of LBQ activists, supports the work of existing and new groups and raises the visibility of LBQ issues and leaders.
Lillian Bagala | Period Equity Network
Lillian Bagala is an Ugandan activist who with a Honey Badges grant established the Period Equity Network, which brings together 85 member organisations across East Africa that champion menstrual health and hygiene work.
Lillian will convene 35 feminists and artists, to rethink, share and learn from the wider feminist movement about what is not working in addressing menstrual health inequities in Uganda. The grant will allow Lillian to hold and document this meeting. It will also allow Lillian to work with 5 young female activists to travel to rural communities to collect stories from girls in developing communities struggling with period poverty. These two narratives will be merged together and shared on YouTube to build a vocal platform to help fight period poverty and break the bias on shame and stigma. Storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to break the silence.
Nawarddeken Academy
Our first Honey Badges grant has been selected by our artist and is a $5,000 investment into independent Indigenous educational services provided by the Nawarddeken Academy.
This grant will help fund the expansions of the academy across the Warddeken Indigenous Protected Area, while they work towards finding and funding a solution to outstation education in the Djelk Indigenous Protected Area.
This grant was proudly the first achievement on our roadmap. As an Australian led team, it means a lot to us to support First Nations educational services that recognise and confront the challenges often ignored by the systems in power.
Always was, always will be…
Matthew Blaise
Matthew is a non binary, award-winning, openly gay, activist in Nigeria, where same sex relationships are criminalised. They are the founder of The Oasis Project, a youth led Queer organization. Their activism aims to challenge and change the harmful norms and prejudicial views of Nigerians towards sexuality and gender as well as create discussions about sexuality and gender in all the largest media spaces on the continent.
The Honey Badges grant allowed Matthew to attend the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA)’s 2022 World Conference in California. Attending this conference provided the life-changing opportunity of giving Matthew access to key global networks that they could leverage in their fight against queerphobia in Nigeria.
Mweze Mugisho | Mugenyi Refugees Youth Center
Mweze Mugisho started Mugenyi Refugees Youth Center is an organization empowering refugees orphans living without families with education through sport and skills in Uganda.
Mweze is responsible for providing quality education to 217 children who are cared for by his organisation. With funding from two Honey Badges grants, Mweze can finally complete construction on his arts center, which was partially built in 2020 and also purchase art materials which will help these kids express themselves creatively. He is providing a safe and encouraging learning environment for some of the most vulnerable children in the world.
Julius Chirimwami
Julius Chirimwami is the founder of Best Future Centre, a registered community-based organization located in Nakivale refugee settlement Uganda. It is defined as a safe learning space for both adults and children with the vision of building a literate and self-sustaining community by providing free education and opportunities to learn different vocational skills. Best Future Centre also has a reputation for being a refuge for children with albinism, who would otherwise have nowhere safe to learn.
Funded by the Honey Badges grant, Julius has purchased 80 benches and 20 tables to help refugee children sit while receiving an education from the centre. Julius is helping kids learn with dignity, off the ground and with facilities that empower them to be their best.
Esther Zimudzi
Esther Vongai Zimudzi is a 25 year old Zimbabwean human rights and constitutional activist. Esther’s project, Good Trouble, is a project that will provide youth activists with firsthand experience in community activism in rural areas. Good Trouble will teach constitutional literacy and advocacy, so that local youth can stand up for their rights according to the constitution, influence policy and create lasting systemic change within their community. The project will run for 5 months in 2 most youth populated rural areas in Zimbabwe which are Epworth and Chikomba. Esther is quick to act when she feels her rights and the rights of vulnerable youth are being infringed upon. This project will lead to more power for the people, which she is positive will see the discourse of governance change through the active and participant citizenry, thus creating a lasting positive impact.
Gabriella Amini
Gabriella is Congolese poet and a passionate advocate for women’s rights. After fleeing Congo, Gabriella spent many years in Nakivale refugee settlement, Uganda, and established a reputation as an unstoppable activist force. She fought for better sexual reproductive health education and worked for the Cova Project as a menstrual health trainer.
During her time in the settlement, Gabriella founded We Empower Her, an organisation for refugee women and girls, to improve general health, wellbeing and confidence.
Gabriella was resettled in Stockholm in 2021 with her son and sister. She is now establishing herself as an activist and writer, with a moving story to tell. We believe that Gabriella's story could help many other women around the world.
Gabriella will receive 2.5% of all funds from the Honey Badges mint to aid in funding her book, which we hope to have published. Fearless, resilient, exceptional, these words don't even begin to describe this woman.
Background Squad Grants
St. Jude ✔
$2,000 grant to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, a hospital responsible for leading the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
Thriving Artists ✔
Two grants of $1,000AUD to artists (one digital artist and one a photographer) to aid in any expenses needed to further their blossoming careers in the NFT space.
Crypto Lady Gang
$2,000AUD grant to invest in female-led platform Crypto Lady Gang, to increase development and grow the movement! Crypto Lady Gang elevates artists from underrepresented communities.
Beginners Boost
Four grants of $500AUD to aspiring NFT artists from low income settings, to cover seed funding to launch their first collections!
Women Rise
A grant of $2,000AUD to an emerging artist with the Women Rise community! When Women Rise, we all rise!
$2,000AUD grant to Robogals, a student-run not-for-profit organisation that aims to empower girls and young women to pursue engineering and other STEM fields. Girls make robots!