Apply for Grant

Apply to the Honey Badges DAO for a Change-makers Grant


Who can apply?

We apologise! Grant Applications are currently closed!

Anyone around the world can apply for a Change-makers grant, provided you’re able to accept the grant in crypto-currency. We will put together on-boarding packs for all our grant recipients but please ensure you can legally withdraw cryptocurrency in your country.

Grants can go to activists, artists, change-makers, people struggling to pay legal fees, Non Profits, the list goes on. If you need funds to do good in the world, try applying to the Honey Badges grant program and leave it in the hands of the DAO! Apply Below!

Read our Grant Application Guide to put forward the best application you can.

*We do not accept applications from NFT projects in need of seed funding unless that project is strictly non profit or unique and impactful for a community in need.

*Previous Grant Winners must wait 3 months before applying again.

We highly recommend reading our Grant Application guide to help you apply for future grants